CON485 RS-232 / RS-485 Convertidor RS-232 a RS-485 (hasta 100m)

CON485 RS-232 / RS-485 Convertidor RS-232 a RS-485 (hasta 100m)

  • RS232 interface converted to RS485 for long distance RS485 connection
  • Automatic switching transmitting and receiving
  • CON485 baud rate selectable (switch) between 9600 or 19200
  • CON485/422 manually selectable (switch) between RS422 and RS485
  • LED to show communication status
  • One converter supports up to 255 devices.
  • Communication distance up to 1000 meters
  • (must be AWG #24, #22 , #18 etc. individually shielded multiple pair cable)


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